Call for free anywhere in India. Site2sms provides the facility to make call between two numbers for free. Even though its a good platform for free calls, Site2sms have some limitations. There is time limitation for the call duration. It takes a few minutes to connect the call.


1. You request a call to your friend's number in site2sms.com
2.You and your friend will receive a call from site2sms.com
3. If both pick the call, you can talk each other


1.Register in site2sms .com
2. Login to site2sms.com
3.Click on Send SMS tab
4. Click on  Live Voice Call

5. Click on Dial Number

6. Type the mobile number an Click on Call button

7. Click on Yes,Connect my call

8. Click Check status of Voice call

It will take a few minutes to connect your call. They will show how many minute it will take.You have the option to cancel the call.

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